Friday, August 24, 2012

Coveting for Fall..

Hey there Dolls!

A few weeks ago I attended a market panel for a luxury footwear designer and was introduced to the
 Hi Top Heel. I think they're so cute! Casual and fun with a bit of glam.. Check out this pair from Jeffrey Campbell. I'm definitely adding these to my closet come Fall.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays.... Staying Alive

Staying alive means loving yourself...

Staying alive means staying in touch with your purpose.

It means using your skills, your emotions, your labels and positions, rather than being used by them.

It means not being trapped in other people’s games.

It means turning yourself on and off, rather than being dependent on the situation...

It means going with the flow even while swimming against it.

It means living in several worlds without being swallowed up in any.

It means seeing dilemmas as opportunities for creativity.

It means greeting absurdity with laughter while trying to unscramble it.

It means capturing the moment in the light of the future.

It means seeing the environment through the eyes of your purpose.

- Herbert A. Shephard

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thursday, December 22, 2011

30 Before 30

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about how I'd like to wrap up my 20's. At 26, I feel as if my early 20's flew by.  Graduation, moving back to NYC, living on my own, switching industries and making my mark on the fashion world are all things I'm proud of, but I still feel like I'm capable of so much more.  I want to leave my 20's with a bang so that when I'm older and married with kids, I can look back on this period of my life with no regrets.  This New Year's, instead of creating a list of resolutions, I'm challenging myself with a list of 30 life goals I want to achieve before my 30th birthday.  In no particular order, here they are:

1-Get closer to God and find a church home
2- Go on Safari in Kenya
3- Meet someone amazing, fall in love and work towards building a life together
4- Take an amazing vacation with all of my girlfriends
5- Volunteer consistently
6- Go ziplining
7- Train for and run in a marathon (Ok.. maybe a 10k is more realistic lol)
8- Complete a Ballet and African Dance Workshop at Mark Morris
9- Learn to swim
10- Learn to drive
11- Stop playing around and become completely fluent in Spanish
12 -Become debt free
13- Master my Kundalini practice
14- Instruct a Zumba class
15- Forgive everyone
16- Invest in a Burberry Trench
17- Treat myself to a really nice designer bag once a year
18- Expand my accessories/shoe collection
19- Grow my hair to BSL
20- Learn to Salsa and enter a competition
21- Kiss a dolphin
22- Take a photography class
23- Start my business
24- Take a trip to Senegal
25- Pole class :)
26- Organize an AIDS Walk with all of my friends
27- Improve my budgeting skills
28- Laugh more.  Stress less
29- Find a way to blend my two passions, fashion and philanthropy
30- Have an absolutely fabulous 30th Birthday Party